Del Cerro continues to remain quiet as we work our way through an ever-changing list of COVID-19 protocols. The next meeting of the Del Cerro Action Council (DCAC) will be on Thursday, Oct. 22 at 7 p.m. It will most likely be another Zoom type meeting.
Brad Callahan, a friend, and long-time principal at Lewis Middle School, has announced his retirement at the end of September. He is the second key principal not returning this year to our communities. Listy Gillingham, the former principal at Patrick Henry, has retired as well. A replacement has not been selected for Lewis Middle School and Michele Irwin is the new principal for Patrick Henry.
Congratulations to the Grantville/Allied Gardens Kiwanis Club (GAG), which will celebrate its 60th anniversary on Sept. 17. Their continued public service to the community and beyond has been exemplary. For decades, many of us purchased a Christmas tree from them. They continue to sponsor Circle K at SDSU, the Key Club at Patrick Henry, the Builders Club at Lewis Middle School and the K-Kids at Hearst Elementary. Their longest tenured member is John Peterson who joined in 1966 and is still going strong. Check out their webpage at alliedgardenskiwanis.org or you will find them on Facebook. They now meet every Thursday morning at 9 a.m. via Zoom. A majority of their members are from Grantville, Allied Gardens, Del Cerro and San Carlos. They are always looking for new members interested in helping our communities.
Our Aug. 19, Zoom District 7 candidates forum went well with our two candidates Raul Campillo and Noli Zosa. The forum was moderated Jeff Clemetson, the editor of the Mission Times Courier. Each candidate was given equal time to answer the more than 20 questions presented by Jeff. A link to the video of the questions and responses is posted on the homepage of the DCAC website: delcerroactioncouncil.org.
Our second candidate forum for our communities of Grantville, Allied Gardens, Del Cerro and San Carlos is set for mayoral candidates Todd Gloria and Barbara Bry. It will also be a Zoom meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 23 at 7 p.m. The link to attend will be posted on the DCAC website and will be sent to Shain Haug, chair of the Allied Gardens Community Council and Mark Schultz, the chair of the San Carlos Area Council for distribution within their members and community. We are also asking residents to send in questions to be asked at this mayoral candidate forum. Only questions submitted in advance will be accepted. The deadline to submit questions is noon on Monday, Sept. 21. Email questions to [email protected].
On Aug. 27, representatives of All Peoples Church met with many of the residents living directly adjacent to the church property to discuss a proposed property line wall between the church property and the residential lots that are at the same grade. The church shared three proposed wall types for consideration and residents are considering the options.
Mark your calendar for Wednesday, Sept. 23 to attend the Zoom mayoral candidate forum.
— Jay Wilson is secretary of the Del Cerro Action Council.