Holiday celebrations
On Dec. 11, two outstanding students, Jordyn Moravec from Foster School and Drake Bouchard from Marvin School, turned on the holiday lights at the Triangle. We are proud of their achievements.
The Dec. 12 Holiday Festival was a resounding success. The Lewis Middle School auditorium was nearly filled. The band gave us superb performances of traditional holiday tunes. The Marvin Elementary School chorus performed — more than just sang — several cheerful songs, and three students gave us readings on Hanukkah and Christmas. After the performance, the audience adjourned to the cafeteria for punch and cookies.
Town Hall Meeting
On Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 6:30 p.m. in the Benjamin Library (corner of Glenroy Street and Zion Avenue) there will be a presentation by the local census team on the census procedures and the importance of a full count of persons in the community.
Give us your suggestions for what we should include and exclude from the site. We need to know what is of value to you. Visit aggccouncil.org.
Board of directors meetings
The board of directors meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Benjamin Library. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, Feb. 4. We encourage you to join us.
— Shain Haug is the president of the Allied Gardens/Grantville Community Council. Reach him at [email protected] and be added to the email contact list.