Construction woes
What gives with the construction company that is supposedly repairing the sewer or water lines in Allied Gardens? They have an entire north side of a couple of blocks of the street from Orcutt to Zion on Carthage Street and park all their truck, gear, storage units, port-a-potties, heavy construction equipment.
It’s been there for over a month and shows no sign of leaving as they race up and down the street and make lots of noise all week. Aren’t they supposed to have a construction yard or lot for all of that dribble and not our fair neighborhood? Aren’t they supposed to have permits to park there? Incredible.
— Sanford Hampton Jr., Allied Gardens.
Questions about church project
Re: “Del Cerro Action Council news” [Volume25, Issue 3 or bit.ly/2uqWTXE]
Has anyone in Del Cerro other than the residents of Marne Drive and myself notice the activity in the canyon just east of College Avenue on the entry to Del Cerro? You may recall from an earlier article that this unimproved canyon has been purchased by All Peoples Church. Having talked to a concerned resident whose home and property is located adjacent to the proposed site of the church who also has some grave concerns. […]
We know from earlier inquiries that the All Peoples Church has not submitted its master plan nor obtained a traffic study or provided an environmental impact report to the city. So it would stand to reason that no permits have been issued at this writing, or posted at the work site, which is a requirement of San Diego city code. […]
In light of what has transpired, I have some very serious concerns as to whether we the community are being told what is really going on with that property, which has been and is currently zoned residential for well over 60 years. Is this property being rezoned as the paperwork indicates an institution?
I have concerns that this religious institution may open their facility to newly arriving refugees who are in fact homeless and bring a host of other concerns such as typhoid fever, malaria, tuberculosis, hepatitis A, B and C and let us not forget about crime. The murder of that poor woman in Adobe Falls is still present in my thoughts
I would like to point out that Hearst Elementary is less than 400 yards form this project. Do we want or should we allow our children to be exposed to such potential hazards?
[Editor’s note: This letter has been edited for length.]
— Donna Dose, Del Cerro.
Partisan politics must end
I would like to share my thought about the direction our country is being politically steered by people, including those who use vulgarity to get attention and primarily the president, who persists on invoking whatever political philosophy that is encouraged by partisan politics. In past presidential elections, the will of the majority was denied by a flaw in our constitution that allowed the minority political party to assume a position of authority. That should be corrected now.
In all the president’s adverse comments, too numerous to be counted, he criticizes the opposite and or all other political parties as enemies and or other demeaning terms. Because I am not a member of the Republican Party, I personally feel that his criticism is directed to me and others who are not affiliated — primarily to all voters who are Democrats. Others that I have spoken with express the feeling that the president is only responsive to, and representing, members of his political party.
I have strong feelings that partisan politics should be discouraged or even eliminated subsequent to an election. One good reason is many voters are registered with a party because their dad was a whatever and that is their extent of affiliation. Under those circumstances, people like me and nonmembers would feel like we are being represented by our president and members of the Senate and Congress, and not being criticized as being enemies of our country.
— Edward Henry, Allied Gardens.