Affirmed Housing projects
By Shain Haug
The next Allied Gardens/Granville Community Council (AGGCC) Town Hall Meeting will be on Tuesday, March 28, 2017 at 7 p.m. at the Ascension Lutheran Church, 51st and Zion avenues.
Our speaker will be John Wurster of Affirmed Housing, the organization that is converting the Motel 6 on Alvarado Canyon Road to a residence for homeless military veterans and that plans to build a similar residence at the corner of Fairmont Extension and Twain Avenue.
AGGCC feels that these new neighbors, the conditions at the properties, what they may bring to the area, and what we can do to support the goals of the ventures are of critical interest to our community.
The council is looking into a joint homeless outreach project with Ascension Lutheran Church by which we might support the folks in the units and that would let us stay in touch with those developments. More to follow as we progress in our discussions with Affirmed Housing.
The leases have been signed for The Grocery Outlet and The Dollar Tree to conduct their businesses in what we know as the “old Albertsons space” in the Allied Gardens Shopping Center. Next will be the lengthy city permit process and remodeling, so the center management cannot give us an estimate when the stores will open. More to follow as we get accurate information.
NCPI community cleanup
On Saturday, Feb. 25, Navajo Community Planners, Inc. (NCPI) conducted a community cleanup in Grantville. NCPI members were joined by members of the Grantville-Allied Gardens Kiwanis Club, AGGCC and Lewis Middle School Builders Club sponsored by the GAG Kiwanis.
NCPI board member Dan Smith allowed the use his property as a staging area and accommodated the 3-cubic-yard dumpster donated by Republic Services, Inc. I Love A Clean San Diego provided the trash and recycle bags.

The group worked for 2 1/2 hours picking up trash along Camino Del Rio North, Mission Gorge Road, Ward Road, Alvarado Canyon Road, Mission Gorge Road, the Waring Road Flyover Bridge, Fairmount Avenue, Mission Gorge Road and the I-8 Interchange.
Over 2 cubic yards of compacted trash was collected. A big community thank you to everyone who participated. There are a number of areas within the Navajo Community that can use this same attention.
Don’t hesitate to get involved in your community. We much appreciate the leadership of NCPI in this important activity.
Next meeting
Looking ahead, at the May 23, 2017 Town Hall Meeting, we hope to have a presentation by the city’s Code Compliance Department.
At the Sept. 26, 2017 meeting, the San Diego Unified School District Enrollment Options Officer will provide details on the District’s School Choice Program, the options available, and the enrollment procedures. This will bring essential information about school choice to our families with school age children.
Urban Forestry Program
AGGCC is going on record with our state legislators as being in favor of the Urban Forestry Program, a program that will provide for planting trees throughout the city at public and private properties alike. We will keep you advised as the legislation progresses.
The Board of Directors meets on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Ascension Lutheran Church. Our next meeting will be on April 3, 2017.
—Shain Haug is president of the Allied Gardens/Grantville Community Council. Reach him at [email protected]. Suggestions for Town Hall Meetings and Council action will be much appreciated. For AGGCC updates, check out the monthly article in this newspaper, our bi-monthly newsletter, Nextdoor and twitter @SanDiegoAGCC.