Gardening classes at Armstrong
For these free gardening classes (fees for Make & Take classes), Armstrong Garden Centers will give tips and tricks on various topics and areas of interest. The Mission Valley/Grantville store is located at 10320 Friars Road; there are several other San Diego Armstrong locations. Sessions start at 9 a.m.
Upcoming classes include:
- “Attracting Birds” on Nov. 12
- “Thanksgiving Centerpiece Make & Take” on Nov. 19 (Fee: $49.99)
- “Santa Barbara Wreath Make & Take” on Dec. 4 (Fee: $40)
Visit ArmstrongGarden.com for more information.
Santee’s annual Holiday Lighting Celebration
Friday, Nov. 18
The city of Santee will host their annual lighting ceremony from 5:30–8:30 p.m. at the Santee Trolley Square Shopping Center (9884 Mission Gorge Road). Festivities will include a snowflake-making machine and a snow hill for kids to slide down on plastic saucer sleds. There will also be craft booths, local eateries on hand, a bounce house and more. The tree lighting will begin at 6:15 p.m.
Adjunct Recruiting Event
Saturday, Nov. 19
Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District is holding its first event of this kind with an aim at hiring 300 part-time instructors for both its colleges. The event will be held from 9 a.m.–noon in the main quad at Grossmont College (8800 Grossmont College Drive, El Cajon). Visit tinyurl.com/ztntgpf to register for the event.
70th annual Mother Goose Parade
Sunday, Nov. 20
Once again, this parade will march down Main Street in El Cajon (from El Cajon Boulevard heading eastbound to First Street) starting at 1 p.m. There will be over 100 parade entries including floats, marching bands, local dignitaries and more. Visit mothergooseparade.org for more information.
‘If your heart stops, what happens next?’
Sunday, Nov. 20
This event sponsored by The Hemlock Society of San Diego will feature Dr. Jim Dunford, the city of San Diego’s Medical Director of Emergency Medical Services and professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at UCSD Medical Center. Dr. Dunford will discuss Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) orders along with when to call 911 and what DNR jewelry is. This free lecture will be held from 1:30–3 p.m. followed by “Hemlock Chat” from 3–3:45 p.m. at the Scottish Rite Event Center (1895 Camino del Rio South, Mission Valley). Visit hemlocksocietysandiego.org.
38th annual Chargers Drive
Tuesday, Nov. 22
This annual blood drive is one of the longest-running events by The San Diego Blood Bank and is presented by San Diego County Credit Union. In addition to collecting blood donations all day, the event presents a chance to meet San Diego Chargers players, enjoy entertainment, visit the “Wellness Zone,” and more. The event will be held at the Town & Country Convention Center (500 Hotel Circle North, Mission Valley) from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Tickets are $5; blood donors may request a refund after they donate and will also receive a T-shirt, parking validation and VIP wristband for the autograph line. Visit bit.ly/2fa7T2p for more information.
Thanksgiving celebration
Wednesday, Nov. 23
The College Avenue Center (6299 Capri Drive, Del Cerro) will be hosting this celebration at noon with a feast of turkey, gravy, stuffing, cranberries and more. The meal will be followed by live entertainment by the Sophisticats. Lunch is a suggested donation of $4 for seniors 60 and up and $7 for others. Visit jfssd.org for more CAC events.
Ruffin Canyon Enhancement Planning Stakeholder Workshop
Wednesday, Nov. 30
The second in this series of workshops will be facilitated by San Diego Canyonlands from 6–8 p.m. in the community room of the Mission Valley Library (2133 Fenton Parkway). SD Canyonlands will continue a planning process for enhancement of Ruffin Canyon including habitat restoration, potential trails, viewpoints and more. Visit sdcanyonlands.org/cep for planning documentation and maps.