La Mesa Foothills Democratic Club, perhaps the largest political entity in the 53rd Congressional District, has been represented in Congress by Susan Davis for nearly 20 years. Always strong in constituent relations, Rep. Davis has led on many progressive issues including pay equity for women, increasing veterans’ benefits, growing our green economy, and lately, joining the call for the impeachment of a corrupt, immoral, dangerous and self-enriching president in Donald Trump.
She’s seen San Diego County cities like La Mesa, Lemon Grove and Solana Beach join San Diego, Chula Vista and Imperial Beach in growing Democratic majorities during her decades long tenure. The county as a whole is now more solidly Democratic than even 10 years ago, and Republicans hold only one congressional seat in San Diego (and that one is being held by a thread by an politician who admitted using donor monies for personal expenses).
We live in a time of great social unrest, with an administration that defunds and denies climate science, upends long held immigration policies (and separates children from their families for months at a time), endangers women’s right to choose, ignores bi-partisan gun control legislation, leaves key allies in the Middle East and elsewhere wondering about American commitment to our shared democratic ideals, and leases out public lands to drilling, mining, fracking and logging.
So the importance of replacing Representative Davis in the 53rd District with an equally effective and like-minded progressive Democrat is of critical importance.
We’ve invited all 11 Democratic candidates in the race for the 53rd to our Jan. 8 meeting, though the first of the year should see some narrowing of the field.
Without a doubt, the most recognizable names are San Diego City Council President Georgette Gomez, and ex-Obama State Department staffer Sara Jacobs. Many other of the candidates have excellent progressive bonafides, and work tirelessly for social and environmental justice in their communities. Gomez recently garnered the endorsement of the California Democratic Party and should be viewed as the front-runner.
La Mesa Foothills Democratic Club represents the communities of La Mesa, San Carlos, Allied Gardens, Del Cerro, Santee, College Area, Mt. Helix, Casa de Oro, and other close by enclaves.
The club meets on the first Wednesday of each month (except Jan. 1, which has been moved to Jan. 8) at the La Mesa Community Center, 4975 Memorial Drive. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with a half hour social time with snacks and beverages.
Dues are being collected in January, starting at only $35 per year. Silver and Gold memberships are also available for just a little more.
View lamesafoothillsdemocraticclub.com and follow on Facebook.
— Tina Rynberg is president and Jeff Benesch vice president of programming for the La Mesa Foothills Democratic Club.