Pat Boerner
Susan Shelly will be the guest speaker at Navajo Canyon’s next luncheon meeting on Tuesday May 14 at the Brigantine Restaurant in La Mesa. Shelly is a twice-weekly opinion columnist and member of the editorial board of the Southern California News Group. Her columns appear in 11 daily newspapers including the Orange County Register and Los Angeles Daily News. She is also vice president of communications for the Howard Jarvis Tax Association (HJTA).
Her topic will be “Blithering idiocy – the self-inflicted policies that are destroying California and what to do about it.” We are also sure to learn if there are tax increases looming in the future and what we can do to prevent them from happening.
Please join us for this opportunity to hear from a representative of the group that made Proposition 13 a reality and how they are fighting to keep it. For 33 years, HJTA has been the legal and political watchdog for Prop 13 and a staunch defender of California taxpayers.
As always, we will be joined by local political representatives and given an update on what is going on politically in Sacramento. It is vitally important to know what is currently being proposed so that we can contact our elected politicians and let them know our feelings on what will be coming up for a vote. Are we trying to influence their vote? You bet we are! That is why we call them our representatives.
Check-in begins at 10:30 a.m. for the 11 a.m. meeting. A full course lunch will be served for a cost of $25. Cash and checks are accepted, but no credit cards. Reservations are required 24 hours in advance, as the room is usually filled to capacity. Please RSVP early to [email protected] to guarantee your seat. If you have any questions, you may call or text Marjie at 619 990-2791. For more information on our activities, please visit our website at RWCNavajo-Canyon.org and visit us on Facebook at Republican Women of California.
2020 may seem like a way off, but in political terms it is just around the corner. Republican Women of California Navajo Canyon (RWCNC) will soon be even more involved in grassroots activities to advance our Republicans candidates. Throughout the year, we are registering voters and doing whatever we can to support our elected officials.
We will be volunteering at the San Diego County Fair in Del Mar at the Republican Party booth where voters can be registered; and going to California Republican Party headquarters to help with mailings, make calls and do whatever else is needed. Volunteering is a very rewarding experience so please join us at a meeting and discover ways to get involved and make a difference. Our goal is to have voters focus on important issues and elect Republicans!
— Pat Boerner writes on behalf of the Republican Women of California Navajo Canyon.