The library question
Muchisimas gracias for an excellent piece on the library question [Volume 5, Issue 11 or bit.ly/1RhdQt1]. Rigorously on point, but measured in tones and almost inarguable. A fine bit of work indeed. Bravo!
––Dr. Anthony McIvor, La Mesa
On behalf of the Friends of the La Mesa Library, I want to thank you for your editorial expressing support for a larger library here in La Mesa. It is a shame that a city of about 60,000 people has half the library space as some smaller communities in San Diego County.
It isn’t as if we are asking for something that won’t be used. The La Mesa Community Library is always busy with people looking for information and checking out materials. There is every reason to believe that with additional space our library would be utilized even more by La Mesa families.
For those readers of the Courier who agree with your editorial and would like to show their support for more space for the library, I have two suggestions. First, contact our City Council members and let them know your opinion. Second, consider becoming a member of the Friends.
The Friends of the La Mesa Library is a local non-profit organization whose goal is to promote the La Mesa Community Library and to raise money for extra materials and informational programming at our branch. We have been in existence since 1969. Membership annual dues are very reasonable, $5 for individuals and $10 for families. Membership forms are always available in the lobby of the library. Should anyone wish to contribute additional funds to future efforts to build and support a larger library, we have the means to earmark such funding for that cause.
––John Schmitz, Friends of the La Mesa Library President
I am very much in favor of a permanent library for La Mesa. I am against any money to go to build anything else until that is accomplished. I feel that the administration has handled this very poorly.
––Pat Keller, La Mesa
Response to Charger fan love
“My sweetheart has left me for another. Since the early ‘60s, she told me I was the only one. I can think of nothing else. Sigh. I have pampered her with all she has asked, even gone into asinine debt at her heartless demands. Alas, she will leave me if I don’t buy her a new luxurious home, preferably with a waterfront view, totally at my expense without limitation.
My friends say I am a fool, but my heart tells me otherwise. My love knows no ends. Oh, what shall I do? Sigh.”
Wake up you damn fool, she does not love you. Your dreams are not hers. Help her pack and get on (Charge-on) with your life.
––Carlos Miller, La Mesa