Owning a house comes with its unique set of responsibilities. No matter how many houses you have moved in, there’s always something new you can do to take extra care of your house and avoid unnecessary costs. Here are some of them.
Review your home warranty policy
House appliances and major systems are big investments made in the house that people cannot afford to damage. Contrary to popular belief, having a home warranty policy allows you to save money even though you pay amounts periodically. That is because repairs in the house are not only very expensive but also time-consuming. Finding the right handyman, buying suppliers, and paying for services can cost you more than periodic home warranty payments.
“When doing your checks on your house, you want to make sure that your home warranty is still covering weather hazards”, according to Clinch Home Services (https://www.cinchhomeservices.com/faq-library/-/faq/what-does-a-home-warranty-cover)
Periodic roof inspections
Checking on your roof every now and then is very important since the first part of a house that gets damaged due to weather hazards is the roof. The lifespan of a roof isn’t too long–erosions can occur which cause leaks, and stains, and can ultimately lead to flood damage if left untreated.
Make sure you inspect your attic for signs of water damage, and if you find some stains on the wall as a result of water damage, make sure that you get it inspected by a professional.
Inspect your foundation
Having to repair your foundation is one of the worst and most expensive issues you can deal with in your house. So, instead of waiting for things to go too far which may lead you to do a complete replacement, check for damage signs such as cracks or gaps inside the hardwood floors, or even cracks at the corners of window frames and door jambs.
Gaps on the windows
Window frames are vulnerable to weather conditions. When the weather is cold and damp, there is a risk that the window frames can swell during that period, and when the weather goes back to normal, the window frames’ size will return to the original size leaving some gaps. You do not want this to happen because drafts will come inside, and your electricity bill will increase because of the lost energy.
Just like with most things, it is better not to wait too long, or you will find yourself needing to completely replace your window frames, which is of course very costly. The best way to approach this issue is to fill the gaps with suitable materials before it is too late. These materials are cheap and easy to find like frame sealant, mortar, and decorators’ caulk. However, don’t use a different material every time you do this. Ideally, you want to continue using the same material throughout the frames’ lifespan.
Declutter your pantry
It is not uncommon to find food that has expired for ages in their pantries. We are all guilty of burying food in the pantry and never remembering it again. That is why it is important to declutter the pantry every once in a while, to ensure that you are not overbuying food or even worse, eating expired food.
Generally speaking, it is realistic to declutter your pantry every six months, but if that is a dreadful task for you, you can do it once a year. Also, since you are already doing the job, make sure to wipe the cabinets before rearranging the food again.
Declutter your personal products and medication cabinets
Every once in a while, do a sweep of the drawers and cabinets in your bathroom to check for products that are expired. Whether hair products, skin care products, personal hygiene, or makeup. One of the things that always expired without you noticing is makeup. Ensure that you check the expiry date or even check for a change in color or texture to ensure you don’t suffer from the side effects of expired makeup.
As for medication, you want to contact a local pharmacy to ask about how to dispose of medications whether these medications are prescription-based or over-the-counter. Certain expired medications are at risk of bacterial growth and sub-potent antibiotics fail to treat infections, leading to more serious illnesses and antibiotic resistance. They are at risk because a change in chemical composition occurs and a decrease in the strength of the ingredients used, according to the Food and Drug Administration.