The larger a family becomes, the harder it gets to keep in touch with each individual family member. While it’s easy to fall into the habit of no longer catching up on what’s going on day to day, keeping family in the loop about bigger events often follows.
From births to weddings to moves, keeping your extended family in the loop is important. Keep reading to learn a few tips to help you do just that.
1. Create a Group Chat
The average adult now spends more than 3 hours a day on their smartphone. Having your head buried in your phone during a family reunion is a big mistake. But using everyone’s smartphone addiction to start a family group chat to catch up is not.
A family group chat can be a simple, straightforward, and casual way to let everyone know what’s happening in your life. While a group chat is a poor choice for inviting family members to weddings or letting them know you’ve moved, it’s an ideal means to let those distant relatives know your little one took their first steps, announce an engagement, or wish someone a happy birthday.
There are plenty of apps that make it easy to start a group chat with family, even if everyone uses different cell phone service providers. These apps can also be used on tablets or desktops, so family members who don’t own a smartphone can still get in on the fun.
2. Start a Trend with Paper Announcements
While a group chat is a great means by which to share smaller moments with distant family, nothing beats a traditional paper announcement for those bigger celebrations. If your family isn’t one to send such announcements, why not be the one to start the trend? From engagements to births to new address announcements, sending a paper card will brighten up a family member’s day and let them know what’s happening in your life. And, it may just inspire them to start sending announcements when something happens in their life, too!
3. Make Finding Wedding Details a Breeze
Engagement announcements, save-the-dates, and wedding invitations are all formal ways of letting your family know you’re planning to tie the knot. But they don’t offer much in the way of providing the big details about your wedding, like information on nearby hotels or the different websites where they can find your registries.
When you need to keep your large family up to date on the many specifics about your wedding, a wedding website is a must. On your website, you can share every fine point your family needs to know while planning to attend. Include links to nearby hotels, your gift registries, and to local attractions guests might like to check out while in town for the wedding.
Keeping Your Large Family in the Loop
Whether your family is scattered across the country or simply busy with their own lives and unable to get together as often as you’d like, staying in touch and keeping everyone in the loop of big events can sometimes be a challenge. But by using a group chat to catch up on day-to-day affairs, traditional announcements for those big events, and a wedding website for sharing the details, you can ensure everyone knows what’s going on, no matter their location.