The Pacific Beach Town Council had a busy yet successful 2009. The Pacific Beach Town Council is highly engaged with current issues that affect our community. We work closely with the San Diego City Council and the San Diego Police Department and other local, state and federal representatives and agencies to ensure we receive the latest information and that our members’ views are heard. The Pacific Beach Town Council takes a proactive role in promoting and sponsoring special events that are planned, developed and executed by our members and directors. We also collaborate with other local organizations to promote our beachside community and businesses. The Town Council is dedicated to enhancing, improving and protecting our unique community; this volunteer-based, non-profit organization was founded in 1951 and has been serving as the community’s voice for 58 years. This year the PBTC continued to provide and/or partner with area organizations such as the PB Planning Group, The business improvement district Discover Pacific Beach, the Community Foundation and others to present many of the established traditional events as well as bring new events and programs to the community. The council held its monthly general membership meetings to report on community work, and receive community feedback. We worked on the preservation of the Rose Creek Cottage, the wine tasting fundraiser in which the proceeds were donated to the PB Library, PB Middle School, Mission Bay High “Key Club and Interact Club.” Our annual Police and Emergency Service Appreciation Night, “PAESAN,” is held to give thanks to our public servants. The Sundowner community mixers, Concerts on the Green with five summer concerts this year are other council events. The PBTC partnered with Discover Pacific Beach on the BeachFest, our Clean and Beautiful subcommittee launched the litter awareness educational campaign. Graffiti day volunteers removed and/or painted over graffiti tags, we held monthly clean ups on the first Saturday of each month resulting in literally tons of trash being removed from our streets and gutters. PBTC representatives attended meetings pertaining to street sweeping, litter removal, the proliferation of marijuana dispensaries in our community and the city at large, as well as participated with the Special Events committee which hears and makes recommendations on community events. PBTC appointed two representatives to work with the PB Planning Group on the Alcohol Advisory panel subcommittee. As you can see, all of this work is in line with the PBTC mission statement as follows: The purposes of this association is to provide for the discussion of community issues; to communicate the views of the community to the appropriate governmental agencies; and to take action on community issues, specifically but not limited to: A. The general betterment and beautification of the community of Pacific Beach, and the promotion of the welfare of the residents of the community; B. The fostering of the cooperative efforts among the business people and residents of the community for the mutual benefit; The continued preservation and enhancement of Mission Bay Park and our coastal and natural resources. I hope that 2010 provides each of our residents and businesses with joy and success, and I hope that more of you will become involved in working with the PBTC and the various community groups to continue to make PB a great place to live and work. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the PBTC. —Rick Oldham, Pacific Beach Town Council president,and the entire PBTC Board