We often associate dressing up with expensive brands and beyond-our-budget accessories. All of this eventually makes us feel low about ourselves which shouldn’t be the case. We can look good and also save a huge on our hard-earned money! We all need to stay within our budget and do a little bit of research on discounts; like the one available at Shein where you can get a 60-80% discount via the active Shein’s coupons. Additionally you can even get your hands on the Shein gift card discount codes starting at just $25 and sort all your shopping economically.
This article will suggest 10 ways to look dapper and expensive without putting too much pressure on your pockets.
The following are the points that you must keep in mind while shopping on a tight budget.
Focus more on color of the dress you are going for
Yes, we do focus on colors while we are out shopping for clothes. However, the first thing that comes in our mind is the type of cloth that we are about to buy. After that, we go for our favorite colors in that particular type of dress and try out a few of them only to reject the entire lot and walk out with something that we didn’t even plan to buy in the first place.
You should always choose neutral colors for your clothes because they can go with other dark colors that you can wear for accessorizing yourself. Moreover, in case you are looking for a basic and subtle look, such dresses can be worn singularly for a chic look.
Go for Monochromes
You might be someone who is heavily influenced by graphic tees and pullovers that are offered by expensive brands. However, if you are looking for an expensive look, you might consider wearing monochromes. It has also been observed that monochromes give a slender and taller look which will enhance your overall appeal. We suggest you check out the high-neck monochrome pullovers on Shein available at a discount of up to 70% and available with free shipping at Old Navy.
Choose fitting clothes
We all know how comfortable and snuggly those loose sweatshirts look but if you are looking for an executive look, fitting clothes are what you will be needing. You can get a custom-tailored dress for yourself at Kohl’s at affordable prices. These alterations and tailoring can make you look dapper and chic without spending much at all. Imagine the look on your boss’s face when you would walk into the office ready to fit into their shoes!
Let’s check out the cloth options that you must select on a constricted yet elegant budget.
Choose Blazers to wear
Blazers are the most authoritative dress type invented yet. They can fit into boardroom meetings giving you the stern yet smart look and they can also fit into your bowling alley catch-ups with your friends. It goes without saying that the black color on blazers looks the best and is in great demand. However, you can also go for other darker shades of Blue, Steel, and Grey for keeping a variety in your wardrobe. Blazers are available at a ‘buy one get one for 50% off’ offer on Kohl’s.
Go for pointed heels or flat shoes
Now that you have mastered the art of dressing up like a queen (which you already are!) it is time to focus on footwear. Don’t forget to pair your executive look with pointed heels or even flats if they suit you. Remember, pointed women’s footwear gives a really expensive look to the owner. Not to forget, pointed shoes are available at a minimum discount of 30% on Old Navy. There is a high chance that you might already be having them. In case you don’t, now is your chance to update your wardrobe.
Don’t forget to get a bag
Ladies, we all know your undying love for different sorts of bags. However, for that high-almighty look, you will be needing a structured bag that will conclude your boardroom meeting look. A structured bag comes in different shapes and sizes with the similarity being its rigid structure with different pockets. If you are looking to buy one, select from one of the darker shades of brown or red so that it can complement your lighter shade sweater and dark blazer. Structured bags are available for a starting price of $30 with a 50% discount on the second one.
Ice the look with a chic pair of sunglasses
Sunglasses are an important accessory for any look that you are planning for. However, for that expensive look that you are planning, you can check out some of your favorite celebrities and find similar designs at Old Navy for a discount. Nothing can be more authoritative than a cat-eye framed sunglasses with your ‘walk as you own it’ attitude.
Wear subtle but elegant jewelry
If you are thinking that it is that we are missing out on your complete look, don’t worry we have saved it for the last. Your expensive look is incomplete without a piece of classy jewelry. It can be either a pair of earrings with imitation diamonds or a silver bracelet. Remember to wear a black shade of scarf if you are planning to buy an elegant silver necklace with a symbolic pendant of your choice. All of this can be availed for less than $10 at Old Navy and Shein with a free shipping offer included.
Purchase quality cosmetics
After you have decided everything for your expensive look, it is time that you purchase cosmetics as well. Now the fashion suggestions that we have offered, require minimalist cosmetics to enhance your look. You can check out some MAC lipsticks and blushes available at Macy’s for a 40% discount this season and gush all the way to your office!
Spend wisely and separately on each product
When you are out shopping for your expensive look on a budget, we suggest you shop for one thing at a time so that you can track your expenses and don’t go over budget. Moreover, when you are shopping for a single item, it will help you to focus on all the discounts available on that product and go for the best deal.
With those 10 points, we finally concluded the guide to look expensive on a tight budget. Before you settle down to shopping, you must check out the best ways to shop from your favorite brands like Shein, Old Navy, Kohl’s, etc.